Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Anything Like Me: Tulsa Photographer

You know those families you meet and you immediately want to shrink them into tiny people for a minute so they'll fit in your pocket?  You know, so you can take them home and cherish them forever? 

Yeah, that's how I felt about this family.

In most families you can sense the love they share for one another, but when there are little people involved I think the love overflows.  Well, at least you see it more plainly. 

Children can't help but show affection for the ones they love, be it mom, dad, brother, sister, you get the point.  You can see it in their eyes, in their expression or even the giddy squeels they display as they run towards the one they love.

It makes me happy.  Families make me happy.  They remind us of the love in the world. 

And, if you're super lucky like I was, they'll show their love through the displaying of their belly buttons!  Remember that post! 

So, sit back, relax, grab a morning/afternoon snack and enjoy the lastest family I wanted to put in my pocket and take home.  This little one's tu-tu and giddy squeels were enough to make me love them forever!

Yes, my child will for sure be wearing a tu-tu with a bow in her hair.  It's alreaady pre-determined.

Can you get a more photographic family?  Seriously.  Beautiful.

One of my favorites.  They look so much alike.

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