Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kisses & Disses

I don't think there is a single person in the world that doesn't like it.  Fall comes with so many great qualities.  A warmness in the air with just the slightest hint of a fall breeze brushing through your hair.  Starbucks holiday drinks.  Lots and lots of family.  Sweaters.  Tennis Shoes.  Scarves.  Holiday bread.  And.  Um.  Oklahoma State Football games.. hello?  Do you seriously need more reasons than that to love the fall season?  Yeah. Didn't think so.
So, in honor of the fall season that is beginning to grace us in Oklahoma with it's presence - I am starting a new edition to the blog.  Kisses & Disses.

This weeks Kisses go to...
1.  Cooler weather.  Well, because they bring yummy Starbuck's drinks and Oklahoma State University football games.  Go Pokes!
2.  Those little Hoops & YoYo guys.  These kids always know how to cheer up a gloomy day.
3.  AppNitro contract software. They just make my life so much easier!

And this week's Disses go to...
1.  Waking up early.  There is nothing about this that makes anyone happy.   Except maybe my best friend.
2.  Internet that doesn't work.  I pay for Internet.  But it refuses to work for periods of time at my house. 
3.  How yummy Starbuck's drinks are... but how they want my right arm to enjoy one. 

I hope you all have anjoyed the new segment to the blog:  Kisses & Disses.

Does anyone have anything they love or dislike lately?

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