Monday, January 10, 2011

the design gods: they hate me.

I'm sporatic.  And I'm hoping that's what Caleb loves about me.  

Recently I've become obsessed with the blog world.  Like, call a doctor, I need a diagnosis, obsessed.  Chances are, if you're reading this and you have a blog, I've visited it.  And even if you haven't visited this beauty of a blog, I've probably creeped on your blog.  Hence, I need a diagnosis.  Or an intervention.  Which ever comes first.

Now, there's a reason I'm spilling my secrets to you all.  Last week I was scouring through one or two of the many blogs I like to "frequently visit" and I became inspired.  Like, run to lowe's right now, inspired.  So many of my 'blog friends' are sooo ooberly talented when it comes to interior design in their homes.  So I got all gutsy and thought I'd try to be creative.  Yeah.  Not.  Happenin'.  I was quickly slapped by the interior design god and thrown back to reality.  And it hurt.  I have the bruises to prove it.  There I lay... on the ground covered in dust and bruises having spent faaar too many hours on trying to devise something even a little bit related to design.  And maybe my pride was hurt a little.  The design god's laughed at me.  In. My. Face.  Not cool design god.  We're not friends, evidently.

I write this to tell you, I have big plans on the horizon.  Well, hopefully.  I haven't given up on re-doing almost our entire house, but have moved past proving to myself I can do it on my own and have enlisted a super cool designer/friend of mine, Kara Paslay.  She's like Martha Stuart, only without the ankle bracelet and criminal record.  She's way fun.  Promise.  So just know, when I show you pictures of the things being done around mi casa... I may have done the work, but I didn't come up with it on my own.  I'd love to say I did, but I don't think I can bare to be thrown on the ground again by the design god.  My ego is bruised a little to much from the last time.

Now the dilemma comes... do I dare show you before pictures?  I never knew how bad I was at this stuff until I took pictures of my house.  It's shameful internet.  Simply shameful! 

Well, I would leave you with pictures of my room... but it's so bad my blog won't even let me load.  Now, that's bad!  I'll try and post some pictures tomorrow.  Cause I know you can't live without pictures of my house.

**And don't forget about Friday's post.  It's a GIVEAWAY!  Promise.  You'll love it.

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