Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mothers Know Best: Tulsa Maternity Session

It wasn’t going to happen, she told me a few months back. She had known him for a long time, coming across each other once in awhile. But it never happened. The interest was there; she always thought he was cute. But again, it never happened. He loved the Lord. But, it never happened. She loved the Lord. But, it never happened.

Then while at a Sooner football game, I’m trying to not hold it against her, they ran into one another. This time was different though. Her mother was with her. Again, she said it wasn’t going to happen, but you know that phrase we all hate growing up that comes from out mother’s? You know. “Mothers know best” Yeah. That one. Well, in this particular instance. Her mother did know best. She knew her daughter would end up with that tall, dark headed handsome man she saw at the football game. She knew the two were meant for one another. So, she did what any determined mother would do. She prayed about it.

Shortly after the football game the conversations began. First as simple emails back and forth - friends checking in on one another. Then more on the lines of interest, genuinely wanting to know how each other’s days were and take part in each other’s lives. Seven short months after that football game the two began their walk together. What she once said “would never happen”, happened. They were more in love than either one thought possible. He knew her. Knew the desires of her heart just as she knew his. Neither one could imagine their lives without the other person. And it was just as it should be. It was perfect.

As their relationship began, Mr. Wonderful moved to India for a year. He was following the path God was directing him to take. He left his beautiful new other half and traveled half-way across the world. But, the whole time, all he could think about was the woman that would someday carry their child. He knew he loved her. He knew had to have her in his life. So, he continued to pray about it and upon his return he married that girl he saw at the Sooner football game.

In conversations with this sweet girl, she has reflected back on their relationship as it transformed from acquaintances to full-fledged love-struck puppies. And the best part of it all? They’re still that way. They love one another with such passion – the kind that comes from the bottom of your gut. You know, the kind every girl wants to experience. That’s what their love has grown in to. And honestly, it’s because the Lord brought them together.

At this very moment, she is carrying their first child. A little boy.

Little C is going to be the most awesome little boy this world has seen. He is going to be surrounded with so much love it’s ridiculous. And I just can’t wait for the Hailey family to experience all the new joys that are about to come their way.

They always say, “Mother’s know best”, so momma Hailey, you’re about to embark on a whole new level of wisdom. I guess it just comes to you once little C enters this world… probably like a whirlwind – BAM! You’ve got momma wisdom! It’s going to be intense.

I’m so stinkin’ excited for your new bundle. I can’t wait for the wisdom to hit you so you can say, Mothers know best!

1 comment:

  1. Ali, beautifully written!!! It was so neat to see these two grow together!!! They are perfect for each other! And yeah for OU football :)
    Love the pics... stunning momma!
