Sunday, October 18, 2009

A story behind each image

I know I always say this, but it's so true: I love the people I photograph. I love walking around taking pictures of people all-the-while finding out what makes them happy, what the best things in their life seem to be, and where they want their lives to go. That's one of the things that makes each one of these pictures special to me- I know the stories behind each one.
Rebekah is another senior who has so much before her. She has plans to go to TU with the option of pursuing a physical therapy degree at the University of Oklahoma ( I'll have to learn to forgive her on choice of OU, Go Pokes!) R and I spent the afternoon scouring downtown Tulsa for some fun locations and then decided to join the rest of the Tulsa photographers at Woodward Park. Now, when I say 'the rest of the Tulsa photographers' I'm serious... no exaggeration in this statement. We strategically shot around these other groups of people and finished up with what follows...
Here is my beautiful new friend, Rebekah.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alli! Just read your blog from today, but wanted to let you there's not an option to comment on your latest 4 posts! So I'm commenting on this one. =) I want chocolate every day too! Love seeing all your pictures and hearing the stories behind them. Hope you're doing well, and hope to see you Saturday night!
